So, you’re interested in practicing yoga from your home. This is awesome!
Developing a home yoga practice not only makes your practice more sustainable because you are no longer constrained to making it to the yoga class, it also gives you the opportunity of deepening your practice as you take the time to explore things on your own.
In Iyengar Yoga we see the class as a lesson in developing your home practice! Not a practice in itself....something most students are not at first aware of!
Having the option to practice at home, whether with a teacher who comes and visits you there, with a video on Youtube, or totally on your own, adds depth and awareness to your practice of Yoga.

The space can be a corner in your bedroom or your living room or perhaps your conservatory. For over 19 years I practiced at home without a 'dedicated yoga space' so do not be disheartened if space is limited. It is your intention which makes the space viable!
“When I encourage my yoga students to practice at home, many of them tell me that they don’t know what poses they should be doing, or in what order. ''
This is a link to Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York Practice Sheets
The Level 1 sequences are geared more toward general beginning level students.
Line drawings of the poses are shown with their Sanskrit name, and with the suggested number of repetitions with suggested timings.
But you’ll notice on each page it says:
“Wherever the time is not given, the pose should be done according to one’s capacity and time at one’s disposal. Repetitions are recommended over timings to avoid strain.“
The sequences assume that you have some knowledge of the poses that are shown, and that you know how to modify them if needed. If you are stiffer or weaker, you will need to use support to do some or many of the poses shown on these pages. Don’t do anything that you feel puts yourself at risk for injury. If you have questions or concerns about doing these poses, please get help from your yoga teacher.
While a home yoga practice is strongly recommended, you also need to continue your yoga classes with a good teacher so you learn how to do these poses in the best way for your own body.
